Abhijeet Tallavajhula

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contact: (first name) (dot) (last initial) 91 (at gmail)


2019 to present: Software engineer at Berkshire Grey. I work on pick and place robots.

2018 to 2019: Postdoctoral stint at the National Robotics Engineering Center. I worked on simulation tools for some material handling robots.


2013 to 2018: Ph.D. student, Robotics Institute, CMU. My thesis was on lidar simulation.

2009 to 2013: B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur


  1. Abhijeet Tallavajhula, Cetin Mericli, Alonzo Kelly. "Off-Road Lidar Simulation using Data Driven Terrain Primitives" ICRA 2018
    pdf video code
  2. Abhijeet Tallavajhula, Barnabas Poczos, Alonzo Kelly. "Nonparametric Distribution Regression Applied to Sensor Modeling" IROS 2016
  3. Abhijeet Tallavajhula, Sanjiban Choudhury, Sebastian Scherer, Alonzo Kelly. "List Prediction Applied to Motion Planning" ICRA 2016
    pdf code
  4. Abhijeet Tallavajhula, Alonzo Kelly. "Construction and Validation of a High Fidelity Simulator for a Planar Range Sensor" ICRA 2015
    pdf video code
  5. Mehmet Dogar, Michael Koval, Abhijeet Tallavajhula, Siddhartha Srinivasa. "Object Search by Manipulation" Autonomous Robots 2013
  6. Mehmet Dogar, Michael Koval, Abhijeet Tallavajhula, Siddhartha Srinivasa. "Object Search by Manipulation" ICRA 2013
    pdf video


Hill Building, a novella based on my grad school experiences pdf epub